Terms of service.
The terms of service is made for the purpose of providing supports under the participants National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) plan.
Schedule of Supports
Coordination of Supports
SADI will assist the participant by:
Sourcing and securing relevant services as per participant funding
Explaining the contents and how it can be implemented
Helping to facilitate changes to plan and solve any difficulties the participant has (as they arise)
Explaining their individual funding disbursement method/s
Coordinating service reports and client needs and goals for annual plan review
Provider Responsibilities
Stroke and Disability Information (SADI) agrees to:
Provide the participant with written information (or other format as requested) about the supports offered;
Treat the participant with courtesy and respect;
Communicate openly, honestly and within a timely manner;
Listen to the participants feedback and work to resolve problems quickly
Inform the participant of SADI’s complaints management process and provide a copy of the complaints procedure;
Keep clear and accurate records of the supports delivered;
Protect the participants privacy by adhering to the Privacy Act 1988 (Cth) including the Privacy Amendment (Enhancing Privacy Protection) Act 2012.
Upon request, provide a statement of the support delivered to you.
SADI will only collect, uses, discloses and/or store personal information relevant to the delivery of services and business activities that support.
Provide supports in a manner consistent with all relevant laws, including the National Disability Insurance Scheme Act 2013 and rules, and the Australian Consumer Law.
Participant responsibilities
The Participant or plan nominee agrees to:
Work cooperatively with SADI to ensure the services and supports delivered meet my needs;
Treat those involved in the delivery of my support with courtesy and respect;
Keep SADI informed of my changes to my situation that I expect will affect this agreement;
Talk to SADI if I have any concerns about the support being provided.
Give SADI reasonable notice (outlines below) if I wish to cease agreement.
Participants Rights
Each person receives a service that promotes and respects their legal and human rights and enable them to exercise choice like everyone else in the community;
To access personal information kept about them by SADI services;
Be assessed for services and access services without discrimination;
Receive a service free of abuse , neglect, bullying and harassment;
receive a quality service that meets your assessed needs;
Refuse services;
Lodge a complaint without fear of retribution;
Involve an advocate of your choice.
Ending this Agreement
Should either party wish to end this agreement a notice period of one week should be required.
Should either party seriously breech this agreement the notice period will not be required.
Once a service has been ended the NDIS service booking will be released on close of business on the day of termination of the agreement.
Complaints, feedback or disputes
We love your feedback! Please let one of our staff know of any feedback you would like our service to know.
If you are not happy with service provided to you and would like to make a formal complaint please visit the contact us page on our website.
If you are dissatisfied with the outcome of the complaint, you can contact the NDIS Quality and Safeguards Comission on 1800 0355 44.
If you feel you are unable to complain, Disability Advocacy NSW offers a free, confidential and independent advocacy service.